Hyperbaric Chamber
Hyperbaric Chamber

In second or third-degree burns, the surrounding skin becomes hypoxic, meaning it lacks oxygen, hindering the healing process. However, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) offers a valuable aid in this scenario. By saturating the body and damaged tissue with high levels of oxygen, HBOT significantly decreases the risk of severe infection or death in burn victims.

Complementing traditional burn treatments, HBOT floods the body with oxygen, minimizing swelling, preserving damaged tissue, and reducing the risk of tissue death. Moreover, it stimulates the production of white blood cells, aiding infection control and wound closure. Enhanced oxygen levels also promote blood flow in constricted vessels, maintaining the skin’s structural integrity.

The incorporation of HBOT in burn treatment regimens dramatically reduces healing time and diminishes the likelihood of scarring and severe complications by up to 80 percent.

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